Acer triflorum

Du hast diese Pflanze in deinem Garten? Strauch bis kleiner Baum, selten mittelgroß. Auf den ersten Blick ähnelt er A. Name, Dreiblütiger Ahorn. Familie, Ahorngewächse (Aceraceae).

This broadly columnar to spreading tree has peeling brown bark, three-palmate . Acer triflorum is commonly known as three-flowered maple. And on the High Line, we tend to see . Dieser Ahorn ähnelt stark Acer nikoense, . First soak the seeds in hot tap . ACER TRIFLORUM – Roughbark Maple or Three Flowered Maple Characteristics This relatively rare, small tree is underused in gardens as it has some . Acer Triflorum from Burncoose Nurseries available online to buy – Information: grey-brown bark and unevenly toothed palmate leaves. Description, An attractive tree for the established landscape. Flower ‎: ‎Spring, not showy Size ‎: ‎7-10m Hardiness zone ‎: ‎. The photo above is peak fall color in October for . Halloween Walk Rotary Botanical Gardens.

Fall Symposium Rotary Botanical Gardens. Bark peels in tight vertical curls. Native to hills of northern China . Acarbäthogenin 1Acarbäthosid 1Acer-Arten 5 6Acer aid zuense 5.

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