
Perlkörbchen Sommerschnee – Wildstaude, schöne Blütenstaude, niedriger, buschiger und horstartiger Wuchs, pflegeleicht. Perlkörbchen Silberregen – Eine kleine, horstig wachsende Staude mit eher lockeren silbrig -weiße Blüten. Pflanzen pro m² ‎: ‎Geselligkeit ‎: ‎einzeln (in kleinen Tuffs) 1-(bis 5). Großblütiges Perlkörbchen.

Selten kultivierte Neueinführung aus den Bergen Taiwans.

Lanzettliche, graue Blättchen, weiße Blütenköpfe. Prefers full sun and somewhat dry, sandy conditions. Tolerates poor, nutrient- deficient soils.

Native Range ‎: ‎North America, Asia, Europe Height ‎: ‎1. Show All Show Tabs western pearly everlasting. This slightly more dwarf form of A. Clustered at the top of erect stems, the tiny yellow flowers of Pearly Everlasting are enclosed by white papery bracts, often mistaken for petals.

Meadows, openings, woodlands.

States are colored green where the species may be found. Silver plants can be used in many parts of the garden. Species Description: General: Dioecious, leafy, erect, rhizomatous perennial, 2-dm. Leaves: Leaves lanceolate to narrowly . It is in flower in August, and the . Silberlaub und die lange Blüte ab Hochsommer machen diese Staude unentbehrlich, da niedrigblühende Stauden um diese Jahreszeit rar sind Gute . Herbs, perennial, rarely annual or biennial, or subshrubs with somewhat woody rhizome. Stems erect or rosette-forming, simple or branching, densely white or . Vegetation zone: Foothills, Montane, Subalpine.

Time of blooJuly – September. A native wildflower over much of North America, valuable in the garden for its late summer display of white flowers. Our specimens were identified in cooperation with B. The butterfly-attracting Pearly Everlasting produces showy clusters of globular pearly white, button-like flowers with papery bracts surrounding yellow centers. Anapluilis Beddomci Hook.

Asteraceae (Aster family) Introduction to Vascular Plants . Stewhite, densely, closely tomentose.

Schöne silberlaubige Strohblume mit kompaktem Wuchs. Die vielen kleinen, weißen Blüten sind sehr lange schön und.

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