Aster novae angliae

Native Range ‎: ‎Eastern North America Spread ‎: ‎2. Flower ‎: ‎Showy, Good Cut Height ‎: ‎3. Blütezeit: September – Oktober. Helles Rosa, gute Fernwirkung. Tagen – Artbeschreibung Ähnlich wie A.

Stängel dicht behaart, oben auch mit Drüsenhaaren. Blätter beidseits dicht behaart, . This common wildflower is one of the largest and prettiest in the genus, but seldom seen, having been superseded by . New England aster Interesting Notes. Soil PH ‎: ‎Aci Alkaline, Neutral Soil Drainage ‎: ‎Moist but Well-Draine Well-Dr.

ASS-ter no-vay-AN-glee-ay. Strong, almost woody, stems bear large sprays (to inches) of .

FIRST IMPRESSIONS: Along with the goldenrods and native grasses, asters are the quintessential herbaceous fall . ASTER novae-angliae Portion(en). A very upright plant topped with clusters of soft pink . The species was introduced to Europe as far . Also known as Fall Asters , these are terrific favorites for autumn colour in the perennial border. Herrlich dunkell-violette Auslese einer Raublattaster. Eine der blauesten Astern wohl überhaupt.

Wird gut 80m hoch und . Virgulus novae-angliae (Linnaeus) . Standfeste, mehltauresistende und nicht wuchernde Rauhblatt-Aster. Aster novae- angliae Linnaeus, Sp. Size ‎: ‎Plant – deep pot Light Requirements ‎: ‎Full Sun Zones ‎: ‎- Annual Rainfall ‎: ‎to 2 to 3 to 4. Bitte füllen Sie alle mit.

It is hardy to zone (UK) 2. Open, usually moist to wet groun including shores, meadows, fields, shrubby swamps, fens and wet prairies, edges of . Learn more about Monrovia.

Quick facts and care essentials. Family: Asteraceae (formerly Compositae). In Bauerngärten, Rabatten, als Bienenpflanze. Sehr gesunde Gruppe, die nicht vom üblichen .

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