Carex elata

Steife Segge Aurea – Die Gras besitzt grünes bis gelbliches Laub, auch schön als Teichbepflanzung. Tagen – Artbeschreibung Ähnlich wie C. Horste bildend (C. nigra lockerrasig oder in kleinen Büscheln), . Vetenskapliga synonyC. Bunkestorr Stiv Star Piukkasara Tufted-sedge Steife Segge.

Grass-like, sharply keele dark green leaves are up to long. This unique golden sedge was discovered by famous plantsman and garden writer, E. Discover the beautiful perennials and graceful grasses grown by Santa Rosa Gardens. This graceful sedge has bright golden, grass-like foliage with pointed clusters of brown . Graceful clumps of bright gold and green striped foliage with brown flowers the whole especially . Bright yellow leaves contrasted with black flower spikes.

This variety is one of the hardiest and most colourful of . Greenish flower appear briefly in late spring.

Die Steif-Segge ist gut geeignet für kleinere Teiche, da sie keinen sehr großen Ausbreitungsdrang hat. Carex elata Bowles Golden. Nederlands: Stijve zegge.

Français: Laîche élevée (Laîche raide). Het middelste gedeelte van het grasachtige blad is goudgeel en de . It is hardy to zone (UK) 7. Join our friendly community that shares tips and ideas for gardens, along with seeds and plants. Fountains of gold-coloure fine foliage, . Vivid golden foliage perennial grass for shady moist sites.

Marvellous near water features as an accent plant or. Rozšíření: Areál druhu zahrnuje větší část Evropy. This attractive perennial grass forms clumps of gently arching, golden foliage edged with contrasting green . Plant in full sun or part shade. Stattliche heterostachysche Segge, die große Horste (sogenannte Bulte) bildet. Grows naturally throughout Europe in swamps and river banks.

IV – V, Seen, Großseggenriede, Mooswaldsee, Wasserwacht Butzenwörther See. Русское название, Осока высокая.

High quality, low price easy to grow ornamental grass great for woodlands or ponds. Atlas, especially in Ireland. There have been losses, particularly in East Anglia, from drainage and ditch . Elegant clumps of richly golden yellow leaves with green margins.

Jet-Black,green and brown flower spikes. Suitable for moist borders .

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