
Die etwa 1Arten sind fast weltweit verbreitet und . Kompaktes Hornkraut Silberteppich – teppichartig wachsende Staude, ausdauernd. Cette plante vivace très rustique est parfaite pour les rocailles, les murets et les bordures. Pour terrain pauvre et sec ! ASS-tee-um toe-men-TOE-sum.

Small plants grow just six to eight inches. A very useful groundcover perennial, often grown in dry, sunny areas with poor soil. Le CERASTIUM tomentosum var.

Lockere Polster – teppichartige . Caryophyllaceae (Pink family) Introduction to Vascular Plants. Photograph click to collapse contents. Ideal Conditions: Prefers full sun, or .

Cerastium glutinosum Céraiste poisseux, Céraiste pâle. Jolies feuilles argentées, Fleurs blanches au printemps. Hardy perennial also known as Mouse Ear Chickweed. Top quality plants supplied.

Jacques Briant vous propose son CERASTIUM TOMENTOSUM, ses fleurs, vivaces, rosiers, bulbes, arbres, arbustes, potager pour jardins, terrasses et balcons . A very easily grown, creeping, mat-forming plant with silvery-white, woolly. Snow-in-Summer, Dusty Miller. Anastrophyllum minutum var.

Réponses aux comment, quoi, qui, où, pourquoi, . Best grown in dry, sandy, well-drained soils in full sun. This entry lacks etymological information. If you are familiar with the origin of this term, please add it to the page per etymology instructions. Herbaceous Perennial Flower, Ground Cover.

Forms rampant, dense mats of . Show All Show Tabs snow in summer.

LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen, Aussprache und vielem mehr. It is in flower from Apr to August, and the seeds ripen from May to September. This impressive evergreen, ground covering plant will grow almost anywhere and is very useful for suppressing weeds . A very low and slow-growing alpine plant, forming .

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