Hosta royal standard

Un grande hosta aux larges feuilles, lancéolées, ridées, vert pâle lustré. Fragrant white flowers shoot up tall and prou attracting many. Hosta sind robuste, langlebige Blattschmuckstauden,. Elle porte haut ses élégantes fleurs blanches parfumées. Vivace très rustique et robuste.

Plantation en terre ordinaire, humifère et riche.

En terre lourde, un apport de compost ou de terreau est bénéfique. Easily grown in evenly moist, organically rich, well-drained soils in part shade to full shade. Le port est large et dense en feuillage. Celui-ci est de couleur verte, lustré,.

This fine variety bears sweetly scented white flowers of 30–40″ stems in August and September above cool, pale green foliage. Large Hosta Cultivar Seedling of plantaginea. Hosta are among the most popular of perennials for shady areas, with hundreds of varieties now readily available. Plants form sturdy mounds of foliage, topped .

First grade loose plants supplied. Eine leuchtend grüne, herrlich blühende und auch duftende Hosta Sorte ist . Perhaps its greatest quality is the highly fragrant funnel shaped white flowers that. Blütezeit: August – September. HOSTA ROYAL STANDARD 75mm Pot. Vigorous mid green variety.

The trumpet-shape white flowers are heavily scente. Période de floraison : 7. This lovely Hosta has the good looks of one of its parents,nnnnH. Join our friendly community that shares tips and ideas for gardens, along with seeds and plants.

Royal Standard Hosta features dainty spikes of lightly-scented white tubular flowers rising above the foliage from mid to late summer. Its attractive glossy oval. Common Name: Plantain Lily. Very popular and undemanding perennial.

Grown mostly for its decorative foliage, plants remain attractive from spring till . Fleurs blanches odorantes. Stauden Stade Versand Shop: Hosta plantaginea ‘ Royal Standard ‘ (Duftende Herzblatt-Lilie) hier bestellen. Les fleurs parfumées en .

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