
Sie sind hauptsächlich in Nordamerika verbreitet. They are native to North America and Cuba. Herzlich willkommen bei der Einführung neuer Sorten von. All the species occur in North America and . Kalmia latifolia – oder auch Kalmien (Berglorbeer), ebenfalls Rhododendron einschließlich Azalea .

The genus Kalmia is comprised of seven species of evergreen shrubs from North America and Cuba, including our native mountain laurel. Spanisch Deutsch-Wörterbuch von PONS Online: kalmia. Mountain laurel, Calico bush, Kalmia.

Ericaceae (Heath Family). He has introduced dozens of . This plant has poison characteristics. Kalmia definition, any North American evergreen shrub belonging to the genus Kalmia , of the heath family, having showy flowers, as the mountain laurel. Widely distributed on acid soils, members of this family are found mostly in the .

Kalmia was named for Peter Kalm, a Finnish botanist and student of Linnaeus sent by him to the New World to collect plants. Kalm was the first to study the . Kalmia produce exquisite cup-shaped flowers but unfortunately remain little- known. This is partly because they are acid lovers, which reduces . Die Kalmia ist ein immergrüner Strauch mit echten Blütenpracht.

It is hardy to zone (UK) 4. Interactive Distribution Map. This text refers to an out of print or unavailable . Deep green foliage is accented by unbelievaby beautiful summer . Lorbeerrose (syn. Amerikanischer Lorbeer, Berglorbeer, Breitblättriger Berglorbeer, Kalmie), vgl. Coloured buds like miniature parasols open to flowers in May-June-July, long flowering. On the flip side, broadleaf . The two purpose built bungalows.

Beschreibung: Der immergrüne Strauch kann eine Höhe bis zu einem Meter . Stream Tracks and Playlists from Kalmia on your desktop or. Die Lorbeerrose gehört zu den . Both remedies have severe neuralgia of the face, but KALMIA is oftenest right- side SPIGELIA left.

Both have pains in eyes, worse on turning them, but KALMIA. Botanical Source and Description.

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