Lavandula x intermedia

Port en boule régulière, végétation très dense. Variété vigoureuse avec une période de floraison particulièrement longue. Période de floraison : Juin, Juillet.

Utilisation : Plante mellifère . Le lavandin grosso possède un port compact, une floraison bleu mauve, très parfumée.

These consistently popular tall tough lavenders have great presence as specimens or hedges. Norfolk Lavender – Buy Lavender Plants and Lavender Products. Explore information about our Lavender collection, our idyllic Norfolk Location and our Rare . Une des lavandins les plus connues. Grosse boule de fleurs bien foncées. A natural cross between L. Staff Favorite: Cynthia Rees.

This plant is KILLER in the garden!

The best are obtained when using vegetative tip cuttings that are not . Foliage: Opposite, entire, gray-green . Une plante vivace du Jardin du Morvan, la pépinière de plantes vivaces . Lavendel ist ein sehr gedrungen wachsendes, dichtbelaubtes Halbsträuchlein, dessen drahtige, besonders lange, strahlenartig wirkende Blütenstängel . Phenomenal – aromatic fragrance from the silvery foliage that creates nice mounds, resistant to root and foliar disease, is very winter hardy and tolerates our. Although it is rarely used for culinary purposes, it is frequently used as an. It is hardy to zone (UK) 5. Many gardeners grow Lavender for its fragrance, but the genus includes . Several cultivars of Purple lavandin can be found at various garden centers and nurseries. This hardy lavender stands out for its unusually large, dark blue-purple flowers, silvery green.

Download area (login required) . Aura Cacia to boost mental strength. Free shipping is provided by PureFormulas. Lavandin Essential Oil ( Lavandula Intermedia ) 0. Thiadazuron (μM), a plant growth- modulating . Diese Sorte besitzt auffallend breite, silbrige Blätter.

Die Blüten sind helllila. Bildet ansehnliche Büsche. Lavandula is revered for its delightfully fragrant and useful foliage as well as its abundant showy flower . Il forme une touffe buissonnante de feuillage argenté avec de longs épis de . Laura Torras-Claveria, Olga . This hybrid cross between Lavandula angustifolia and latifolia in dense, shrubby plants with highly aromatic foliage and flowers. Besonders schönes, silbriges Laub.

In Frankreich eine der populärsten Sorten. Fast weiße, lange Blätter mit türkisem . Highly scented compact form with shorter flower stems. Learn more about Monrovia.

Provence French Lavender.

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