Liquidambar styraciflua

Amberbaum – grüngelbe Blüten, schöne langanhaltende Herbstfärbung. Die Blätter sind gelappt und die Blüten . Eastern United States, from Southwestern. This large, deciduous tree is often mistaken for maple as the foliage is similar in appearance with 5-pointe palmate . Diese englische Selektion ist hervorragend beständig gegen das veränderliche Klima von Nord- und Westeuropa.

Kälte und extreme Regenfälle werden . Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire . Virginia Tech Dendrology is THE source for tree identification. Upright, pyramidal-formed tree with outer branches gracefully drooping. Brilliant autumn shades of pale orange . There is an age-old problem that almost all gardeners eventually have to face: Too many plants for too little space.

Other Common Names: redgum, sapgum, starleaf-gum, bilsted.

Order: Saxifragales Family: Altingiaceae Chromosome Number: 2n=3 32. Photo Locations: Los Angeles County Arboretum – Arcadia, CA, Huntington Botanical . Very hardy, frost tolerant deciduous tree with upright pyramidal form. One of the finest ornamental trees in cultivation. A beautiful tree with maple-like leaves. The corky bark is attractive but its main glory is in autumn when . Sweet Gum family (Altingiaceae).

Liquidambar styraciflua f. A taxonomic species within the family Altingiaceae – the American sweetgum tree, native to the southeastern US and cloud forests in . Guaranteed best value, low prices, fast delivery, special offers. Red gum trees online £32. It is called sweet-gum for the tasty, thick sap . Notes: Updated for ITIS by the.

Division ‎: ‎Tracheophyta – vascular plants, trach. Kingdom ‎: ‎Plantae – plantes, Planta, Vegetal, p.

Publicado en: Species Plantarum 2: 999. LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen, Aussprache und vielem mehr.

Dieser schöne kugelförmige Baum kann maximal eine Höhe von – Metren, incl. Er kann aber sehr gut einen Rückschnitt vertragen, . Learn more about growing this deciduous tree. A medium sized tree with maple-like leaves and a .

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