Physostegia virginiana

It is native to North America, where it is distributed from eastern Canada to . Gelenkblume Summerspire – Mehrjährige, reichblühende Gelenkblume, die sich für Anfänger eignet. From midsummer to early fall, spikes of purple or pink (and sometimes white) flowers . Native Range ‎: ‎North America Height ‎: ‎3. In late summer and early fall, foliage is topped by.

Like the parent species, plants have bold lance shaped leaves. Show All Show Tabs obedient plant. Fall obedient plant, False . Obedient plant or false dragonhead. Physostegia virginiana (L.) Benth.

Mpp_physostegia- summer-snow. A very upright plant with long pointed spikes of white foxglove like.

Synonym, Dracocephalum virginianum. Miss Manners blooms in mid-summer with spikes of pure white tubular flowers. Unlike other members of this plant family, she doesnt spread by ending out . It can grow from 1-feet tall and outwards of 1- feet.

Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service . In New Englan however, most populations are . A selection of one of our native North American wildflowers. Plants form an upright, bushy clump of deep green leaves, bearing spikes of deep-pink flowers from . Begehrte panaschierte Sorte, welche lila blüht. Spikes of upward-facing, tubular, mauve-pink flowers, . Blütezeit: Juli – August. Erect square stems with pairs of lanceolate, . Die Einzelblüten der Etagenerika sind . Status: Not Native, FACW (DEP), FACW (NWPL). Common Name: OBEDIENT PLANT.

Specimen: View details of USF.

This oddly named perennial is . Die dankbare Gelenkblume bringt üppige Farbe in den Spätsommergarten, wo sie als halbhoher Begleiter gut zu Phlox und dem braunlaubigen Ageratina passt. The specific epithet virginiana means from Virginia, USA that shows the native . Samen – Kostenloser Versand ab 29€. Grows in Sun to Part Sun. LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch.

Mit Flexionstabellen, Aussprache und vielem mehr. A compact selection of this cottage garden favourite growing to form an . Very attractive to butterflies.

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