Polemonium reptans

A free-flowering woodland native with delicate light blue flowers topping ladder-like foliage in . Leaves are pinnately divided into a . Polemoniaceae (Phlox Family). Status: State threatened. Reaching one to two feet tall it typically grows in light to moderate shade, but thrives in full sun in rich garden soil.

Kategorie: Begleitpflanzen.

If leaves wear out in summer, cut them off and new ones will grow back quickly. Besondere Merkmale: POLEMONIUM reptans is langlebig und angepaßt an viele Klimazonen. Als Massenpflanzung gut geeignet für eine Renaturalisierung . Woodland wildflower with attractive ferny leaves and clusters of small pale blue bell-shaped flowers. Undoubtedly native on river bluffs and in wet . Diese niedere, blaublühende Sorte besitzt gefiederte Blätter. Für Vorpflanzungen und Tröge.

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Plant types and subtypes: Perennials, Quart Sale. Light Requirements: part-sun, part-shade. Greek valerian add to wishlist. This variegated cultivar offers white-edged . It is hardy to zone (UK) 4. Clouds of bells dance merrily on lovely soft bushes of green in early Spring.

Quantity: Native Species. Click on each individual photo to enlarge for full size preview. The medium green leaves are . Jakobsleiter, Himmelsleiter. It features lovely light blue, bell-shaped flowers . Synonyms and Antonyms for polemonium – reptans.

Grows in Part Sun to Light Shade. Flower Color is Blue and blooms in Spring . The European Union has implemented measures to prevent the introduction and spread of Xylella fastidiosia. Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch und viele weitere Deutsch-Übersetzungen.

Category: information only not used for fragrances or flavors.

Recommendation for polemonium reptans extract usage levels up to: not for fragrance use.

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