Rudbeckia hirta

Der Sonnenhut oder auch Rauer Sonnenhut ist eine hübsche und besonders sommerlich anmutende Einjährige, die zur Familie der . Die Schwarzäugige Rudbeckie ( Rudbeckia hirta ), auch Rauer Sonnenhut genannt, ist eine Pflanzenart innerhalb der Gattung der Rudbeckien (Rudbeckia) in . Standort: Sonne – Standort: . Tagen – Artbeschreibung Ähnlich wie R. Pflanze rauhaarig, Blätter ungeteilt, oval bis lanzettlich, fein gezähnt . Blüten mit goldenem Ring um den grünen Knopf, sehr widerstandsfähig, zum .

Biennial or short-lived perennial that is winter hardy to USDA Zones 3-7. It blooms in the first year from seed planted in early spring, and is accordingly . Use Ornamental: Color, Showy, Blooms ornamental, Wildflower meadow, Pocket prairie. Use Wildlife: Nectar-Bees, Nectar-Butterflies, Nectar-insects, . Black-eyed Susan ( Rudbeckia hirta ). This biennial or short-lived perennial has given rise to . FIRST IMPRESSIONS: Rudbeckia hirta is an adaptable wildflower with flexible lance shaped leaves. Plants are topped by showy terminal daisy-like flowers in .

Yellow Black Eyed Susan Seeds, Rudbeckia hirta with Monarda, Bee Balm. There are many species of rudbeckia, many which have been hybridized into . It has naturalized through most of the continent. A biennial, it blooms and completes its. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences . A Floridata Plant Profile 7Rudbeckia hirta.

The other (R. hirta var. pulcherrima) is introduce and found throughout New . Species, Rudbeckia hirta L. Direct Children: Variety, Rudbeckia hirta var. Moore) Perdue – blackeyed . Learn all about Blackeyed Susan ( Rudbeckia hirta ) – what it looks like, where it grows, how to grow, where to buy. Bilder und Pflanzensteckbrief zu Rauer Sonnenhut ( Rudbeckia hirta ) mit Tipps zu Anzucht, Pflege, Verwendung und Vermehrung in der großen . An annual included in seed mixes for early color. Will move around when used in . Plant Spacing ‎: ‎- inches Season ‎: ‎Biennial Soil Type ‎: ‎Any soils that are not too dry, pH 5. Temperature ‎: ‎70F Rudbeckia hirta Black Eyed Susan, Coneflower, Gloriosa Daisy.

It is hardy to zone (UK) 4. Habitats ‎: ‎Disturbed soils in Texas Known Hazards ‎: ‎This plant is reputed to be poi.

Common Name ‎: ‎Black Eyed Susan, Coneflow.

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