Saponaria officinalis

This plant has many common names, including common . Viele Bilder des Seifenkrautes und . It is hardy to zone (UK) and is not frost tender. Pink family (Caryophyllaceae). Major triterpenoid saponins from saponaria officinalis. Jia Z(1), Koike K, Nikaido T.

Author information: (1) Department of . Soapwort is an attractive, garden worthy plant with stems reaching to about 60cm covered in opposite pairs of sessile leaves . Saponaria officinalis – Soapwort. It may persist for years about abandoned home . Das echte Seifenkraut, vermehrt sich stark durch Wurzelausläufer. Zartrosa gefüllte, duftende Blüten.

Down Terminal (leaf) node. A native wild flower, naturally found on stream-sides and in damp woods and elsewhere as an escape from .

Common name, Common soapwort. A very common and familiar weed of summer and autumn throughout the United States, bouncing bet is found in colonies along roadsides and railroad tracks, . An introduced species with large,. The flowers are found in clusters within the leaf axils along . The mature form of saporin is composed of 253 . Category: antimicrobial agents. Wisconsin Invasive Non-native plant species. Recommendation for saponaria officinalis leaf extract usage levels up to:.

A familiar and thoroughly naturalized Eurasian species, often forming large beds along roadsides and railroad embankments, as well as occurring in fields and . Bouncing Bet, Sweet William, . Find product specific information including CAS, MSDS, . Natutal medicine can heal your body and mind. Gebräuchliches Seifenkraut. Lychnis officinalis Scop. Jessen, = Silene saponaria Fries, = Bootia nervosa Gilib.

Gehört zur Familie der Nelkengewächse ( Caryophyllaceae), es wird auch Seifenwurz oder Waschwurz . Höchste Qualität durch 2Jahre Erfahrung. Website lässt nicht zu, dass eine Beschreibung für das rgebnis angezeigt wird.

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