Spiraea betulifolia

Diese enorm frostharte und schnittfeste Sorte von Spiraea wird sehr viel in Skandinavien als Flächendecker und . Birkenblatt-Spierstrauch. Spiraea betulifolia , commonly called birchleaf spirea, is native to Japan and eastern Asia. Wuchs, Kompakter, niedriger Wuchs, halbrund gedrungen, sehr langsamwüchsig.

Bei einem regelmäßigen Rückschnitt . Compact, mounded and dense shrub covered with tiny white flowers in late spring.

Foliage turns orange, red and . Native American groups had various medicinal uses for local Spiraea species. Pronunciation: sp-i- REE-a bet-u-li-FOL-i-a. Habit: this low growing rhizomatous shrub has many purplish-brown upright stems, next to bluish-green to green leaves.

Kostenloser Versand ab 29€. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences . Tiny white flowers cover the plant in late spring. Deadhead to encourage new blooms. In late spring to early summer its tight mounded foliage is .

Show All Show Tabs white spirea. Birchleaf Spirea, Shiny-Leaf Spirea ( Spirea betulifolia var. lucida), Pacific northwest native shrub. A most attractive new spiraea . USDA Native Status: L(N), CAN (NI) . Extremely hardy, versatile and low maintenance shrub. Masses of white flower clusters bloom against broa toothed leaves.

Brilliant autumn foliage is . Den har et frodig og friskt bladverk som kommer tidlig om våren. A compact deciduous shrub. Bearing fluffy white clouds of flowers in May and June with lush green foliage. Ihre Blätter besitzen eine schöne goldgelbe Farbe, die . Leder du efter Spiraea Betulifolia ? The white flowers appear in . Er hat leuchtendes hellgrünes Laub und ist die erste Betulifolia-Züchtung mit farbigen Schirmrispen. Bloeiperiode: Mei – Juni.

Bladeren: eiron gekarteld.

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